Kenneth O. May Lecturers and other Invited Speakers

at the Annual CSHPM/SCHPM Meetings

There have been invited speakers at the majority of the CSHPM/SCHPM Annual Meetings, usually in association with the special session topic of that meeting. In most cases, there has been a single, keynote address, but on a few occasions there have been two or more guest speakers. As a memorial to Kenneth O. May, a fund was established in 1977 to raise money to help underwrite the costs of inviting a guest speaker to each meeting, and at the 2002 AGM, the keynote address was officially named the Kenneth O. May Lecture in his honor.

The list below omits any years in which there is no evidence of an invited speaker at the meeting, as well as a few joint meetings with the British Society for History of Mathematics that contained a substantial number of plenary speakers. Also, please note that Mathematics and the Historian's Craft: The Kenneth O. May Lectures, edited by Glen Van Brummelen and Michael Kinyon, contains full versions of twelve lectures from 1990-2003 and is available from Springer.